Welcome to We Are Not Trump Collection

The current occupant of the White House is by far the greatest threat to the physical health and safety of the American people, our economy, and the global standing of the U.S., in our lifetimes and likely in the history of the office. 

We have to fix our health.  We have to fix our economy.  We have to fix racism.

Trump is incapable of tackling any of these threats to the United States.

My hope is that good people from both sides of the aisle will buy one of our hats and/or masks  and show our fellow Americans and the world that we will not let Trump define us. 

We will contribute all net proceeds to these PACs which are working to elect Joe Biden and to flip the Senate and seize power from the hateful likes of McConnell and Graham: 

Fair Fight Action/www.fairfightaction.com
American Bridge 21st Century/www.americanbridge.org
Senate Majority PAC/www.senatemajority.com

Take a picture in your gear and post! And make sure your friends in swing states vote--every vote counts!

** Click on the images below to purchase! **